Roast Level:
Country: Jamaica
Region: New castle
Mountain: Catherine’s Peak “Blue Mountain”
Estate: Clifton Mount
Producers: The Sharp family
Varietal: Typica Peaberry
Process: Fully Washed Sun Dried
Tasting Notes: Toasted nut and rich cocoa with undertones of fruit acidity
Further Information
Jamaica hardly needs an extensive description since it is already so famous, but here are some details about this specific coffee. Clifton Mount Estate is considered one of the oldest if not the oldest coffee plantation growing coffee for almost 3 centuries yes 300 years. The well-known Blue Mountain Range span the Eastern third of the Island with its highest peak topping out at 2256 meters. The Sharp family farm is located on Catherine’s Peak with an ideal microclimate suited for the slow growth and
maturation of the coffee cherries. Once mother nature does its magic, the careful and meticulous picking, pulping, processing, grading, packing, and shipping complete the effort in getting this wonderful coffee to our master roaster. Roasted in small batches, decisions are made by her in how to apply the right amount of heat time style to coax out the flavours of the coffee. Note this coffee certified 100% by
the Industry Board of Jamaica and is also Rainforest Alliance certified meeting sustainable environmental and social standards.